Archive for carlton

Chinky the Chinaman
Wop, Dago, Nip, Jap, Frog, Kraut, Mick, Limey, Polack, Kike, Raghead, Wetback, Gook, Chink, and the “N” word Nigger; we have all heard these words. They are derogatory, and laced with hateful meaning, but to pretend they don’t exist is the way to give them power. I recently watched a program on 60 Minutes, about […]
1Jul2011 | carlton | 4 comments | Continued
Mad Sisyphus – New Thoughts on an Old Book
“Madness,” by Marya Hornbacher, was published in 2008. It was a New York Times best seller at the time, but now it has faded to 300,000 in book sales on Amazon. It’s only 100,000 higher in sales than my own book, “Bipolar Bare,” which as a self-published work did not have the backing of a […]
20Apr2011 | carlton | 3 comments | Continued
Crazy making Dyslexia
Dyslexia is not a mental illness according to most definitions although 30 years ago dyslexic people were often cared for by psychiatrists. Today we call dyslexia a learning disability. I see dyslexia not as a learning disability but a condition I deal with daily and I think it is related to mental illness. The – […]
28Mar2011 | carlton | 4 comments | Continued
Let me shoot you I’m mentally ill
The Tucson shooter is giving mental illness a bad name. He joins the list of killers who are identified as mentally ill: the shooter at Virginia Tech, the kid gunmen at Columbine, the targeter who nicked President Reagan, and a whole host of others going all the way back to the Texas Tower marksman, and […]
15Jan2011 | carlton | 0 comments | Continued
Magic Mental Meds Make Me Mad
Psycho-medication is so confusing; it is enough to drive you crazy. Some of these meds can actually cause you to become nuts. For example, Effexor (venlafaxine) by Pfizer can bring on mania in a bipolar person and Abilify (aripiprazole) by Bristol-Myers-Squibb can give you suicidal thoughts. These are just a few of the possible side […]
23Dec2010 | carlton | 0 comments | Continued
Cross-dressing, sex, and bipolar disorder
After I spoke at the University of Wyoming this year on my experiences with Bipolar Disorder, the college newspaper ran a headline “Ex-professor exposed drag experiences.” The reporter focused on my recounting of my cross-dressing escapades when I was ill. Dan Socall PhD, the director of the University Counseling Center, responded to this article with […]
28Nov2010 | carlton | 4 comments | Continued
On Tom Wootton and Bipolar in Order
09/26/10 Tom Wootton is an engaging and provocative author and public speaker on the issue of Bipolar Disorder. I listened to him speak in Pasadena, California on September 15, 2010. I found myself totally engaged by the theory he puts forward that Bipolar Disorder can be converted into “Bipolar –In- Order.” This is a state, […]
28Sep2010 | carlton | 3 comments | Continued
Seesawing on the Bipolar Coaster
Seesawing on the Bipolar Coaster- Riding the Edge of Madness with Two Minds Imagine a Teeter-totter with a person on both ends and combine it with a roller coaster. This is the experience of bipolar people. They ride up the escalator and plunge down the descent seesawing back and forth. At the summit they rise […]
17Sep2010 | carlton | 4 comments | Continued
Driving Crazy
09/5/10 I listened in rapt fascination and horror as he explained how he drove. This bipolar young man with the fresh face and red hair sat up right in his chair at the meeting and with a giddy smile on his face spoke about how he bore down on slower moving vehicles. He liked to […]
6Sep2010 | carlton | 26 comments | Continued
Pasadena Weekly Article about Bipolar Bare
Laid ‘Bare’ Carlton Davis finds the way to recovery in ‘Bipolar Bare’ By Carl Kozlowski 08/05/2010 Carl Davis readily admits he’s lucky to be alive. Davis is not only the survivor of abusive parents and California’s notorious foster care system, but he also survived crack addiction that for a decade followed him in and out […]
17Aug2010 | carlton | 9 comments | Continued
Five Favorite Books
The LA Books Examiner asked me to write about five favorite books. I did this for non-fiction and added one novel with a graphic image to the mix. Follow the link below for the article.
17Aug2010 | carlton | 3 comments | Continued
Power to the Crazy People
INPP Conference, Manchester, UK July 16, 2010 Ninety year old Thomas Szasz, controversial psychiatrist and author of the Myth of Mental illness, was the keynote speaker at the INPP (International Network of Philosophy and Psychiatry) Conference in Manchester, UK, June 28-30, 2010. I attended and spoke at this Conference. When the conference ended I found […]
16Jul2010 | carlton | 7 comments | Continued
Book Reviews published by LA Books Examiner
Just published are 5 non-fiction review and 1 novel review in the LA Examiner. See attached,
13Jul2010 | carlton | 9 comments | Continued
The Attacks of the Black Brain
The attacks of the black brain start with losing something. Usually it is my keys or my wallet, but it could be anything misplaced or forgotten: a passport, a phone, a book or just a place I can’t find. I feel stupid and frustrated. I will tear up my household looking for the lost items, […]
25May2010 | carlton | 0 comments | Continued
Suicide, The Long Term Solution to a Short Term Problem
I tried suicide once. I have thought about suicide a lot. I came close to suicide a second time. Suicide ideation has followed me for forty five years. When ever I get down the thought of doing myself in comes up. Self-murder has always seemed the optimal solution to unhappy circumstances. “Why not just do […]
16Apr2010 | carlton | 1 comment | Continued
Carlton Davis has a new website
I have put on the web a new site for my artwork. Check it out. It was designed Ed Glendininng with my participation. I think it looks really good. Don’t forget to click on the images and they will enlarge.
1Apr2010 | carlton | 3 comments | Continued
I think I am better than I am
Grandiosity is a symptom of Bipolar Disorder. When manic I get very grandiose. I think I am better than I am. I liken myself to the great Leonardo Da Vinci. He like me was a writer, artist, and architect; and some say he was bipolar also. Maybe that is why he was so slow in […]
1Apr2010 | carlton | 3 comments | Continued
Carlton Davis on Carlton Davis
I decided to google Carlton Davis to see who the name brought up. I was the fifth entry. The first entry is a photographer in New York City, who creates images of the most precise and detailed kind. He is a commercial photographer educated at the Rhode Island School of Design whose portfolio includes exquisite […]
29Mar2010 | carlton | 2 comments | Continued
Interview with David Oliver of Bipolar Central
Carl Bipolar Success Story 3-11-10 On February 26th, Carlton Davis was interviewed by David Oliver. The interview is attached.
11Mar2010 | carlton | 0 comments | Continued
The Attack of the Inanimate Objects
Inanimate objects attack me. Doors, tables, chairs, toilet seats, vacuum cleaners, keys, wallets, tools, cars, and computers – to name just a few of my enemies – have it out for me. They sneak up on me. They lurk in the shadows to obstruct my way. They refuse to cooperate. The small objects lose themselves […]
8Mar2010 | carlton | 10 comments | Continued
Author on Blogtalkradio/Chris Teece Show
Carl Davis appeared again on Blogtalkradio. This time on the Chris Teece Show. The link to the show is: http://blogtalkradio/chris-teece/2010/02/03/Authors-spotlight-bipolarbare-author-carltondavis
4Feb2010 | carlton | 0 comments | Continued
Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson , who supposedly wrote this novella under the influence of cocaine, strikes me as a perfect metaphor for the states I became under the influence of my magic potion, crack cocaine; except that my Hyde was not male, but female. […]
2Feb2010 | carlton | 6 comments | Continued
The Two-minded Self
The Two-Minded Self This is an old article I wrote, which I have been thinking about lately. “For that person must not suppose that a double minded man unstable in all his ways will receive anything from the lord.” I came upon this passage in the Letter of James in the Bible […]
6Jan2010 | carlton | 6 comments | Continued
Disappearing on Seroquel
There are many drugs today advertised on TV for mental health issues: Cymbalta for depression, Abilify for Bipolar Disorder, and now Seroquel for Bipolar Depression. Have you seen the advertisement from AstraZeneca? People who are bipolar depressed are shown semi-dissolved into their backgrounds. A woman standing in front of a theatre marquee is half transparent […]
24Dec2009 | carlton | 46 comments | Continued
Bipolar Disorder ain’t a joke
Sometimes I forget how serious an illness Bipolar Disorder is. My life has been going well the past five years. No major attacks of mania. No racing thoughts. No grandiosity. No horrible depressions. No trips to the hospital for “tune-ups.” When I was first in recovery those “tune-up” visits were a regular occurrence when the […]
5Dec2009 | carlton | 0 comments | Continued