Civil Right

Laura’s Law & Kendra’s Law Bandages and Bondage
Laura’s Law and Kendra’s Law are, for anyone who has, has had, or appears to have a mental illness, scary legislations. These two laws inCalifornia and New York and copied by other states require a person to have psychiatric treatment when ordered by a judge after assessment by a mental health official. This is coercion […]
24Jan2012 | carlton | 1 comment | Continued
Chinky the Chinaman
Wop, Dago, Nip, Jap, Frog, Kraut, Mick, Limey, Polack, Kike, Raghead, Wetback, Gook, Chink, and the “N” word Nigger; we have all heard these words. They are derogatory, and laced with hateful meaning, but to pretend they don’t exist is the way to give them power. I recently watched a program on 60 Minutes, about […]
1Jul2011 | carlton | 4 comments | Continued
Power to the Crazy People
INPP Conference, Manchester, UK July 16, 2010 Ninety year old Thomas Szasz, controversial psychiatrist and author of the Myth of Mental illness, was the keynote speaker at the INPP (International Network of Philosophy and Psychiatry) Conference in Manchester, UK, June 28-30, 2010. I attended and spoke at this Conference. When the conference ended I found […]
16Jul2010 | carlton | 7 comments | Continued