
The “S” Word Documentary Review
Suicide: The Short Term Solution; Survival: The Long Term Problem Silence shrouds suicide. The tenth greatest cause of death in the United States goes unspoken unless a celebrity takes his/her life. Remember Robin Williams. Almost 43,000 persons kill themselves each year. That translates in 113 self murders every day. Of that […]
8Feb2018 | carlton | 0 comments | Continued
I am a Suicide Survivor is the website project and future mobile exhibition created by Dese’Rae Stage, her self a suicide survivor. Carlton Davis edited Dese’Rae’s interview. To see the unedited story and stories and portraits of other suicide survivors see: http.// Suicide is the 10th highest cause of death in the United States. The mental illness that leads […]
12Sep2014 | carlton | 2 comments | Continued
Irritable Bariatric Bipolar Bowel Suicide Syndrome Think of Ibis, the sacred bird that wades the life-sustaining waters of the Nile. Its long beak penetrates the surface for sustenance. Think of the Egyptian god, Thoth, whose human body carried the head of the Ibis. Thoth was the author of all knowledge. Say “ai”, elongate the […]
11Sep2014 | carlton | 0 comments | Continued
Depression Day, June 6, 2014
Frustration Followed By Anger Becomes Depression I should have seen it coming, but I didn’t. The indicators were all there. It begins with the clumsiness, and lack of coordination. I began to drop things: pens, books, and the plastic container of Pellegrino mixed with pomegranate and grape juice. The bottle top wasn’t screwed on properly […]
6Jun2014 | carlton | 1 comment | Continued
Military Serial Killer Is Not The Only One Guilty
Sergeant John Russell was convicted April 22, 2013, for second-degree murder of five military men at the Mental Health Clinic at Camp Liberty in Iraq. He will probably spend the rest of his life in a military jail. Sergeant Russell is seriously mentally ill. He wanted to kill himself, but after the horrible treatment he […]
30Apr2013 | carlton | 5 comments | Continued
“To see suicide simply as an individual mental illness and homicide as a similarly individual moral failing is to ignore the degree to which both are caused in part, by societal, economic forces.” James Gilligan from “Why Some Politicians Are More Dangerous Than Others” To see suicide- all suicides- as caused in part […]
2Sep2012 | carlton | 0 comments | Continued
Unhinged by the Epidemic of Mental Illness
“The central question of what variables drive the pathophysiology of mood disorders remains unanswered……….It is therefore no surprise that we know almost nothing definitive about the pathophysiology of mental illness — the surprise is that we know anything at all.” From Unhinged, The Trouble with Psychiatry — A Doctor’s Revelations about a Profession in Crisis, […]
2Nov2011 | carlton | 1 comment | Continued
Seesawing on the Bipolar Coaster
Seesawing on the Bipolar Coaster- Riding the Edge of Madness with Two Minds Imagine a Teeter-totter with a person on both ends and combine it with a roller coaster. This is the experience of bipolar people. They ride up the escalator and plunge down the descent seesawing back and forth. At the summit they rise […]
17Sep2010 | carlton | 4 comments | Continued
Book Reviews published by LA Books Examiner
Just published are 5 non-fiction review and 1 novel review in the LA Examiner. See attached,
13Jul2010 | carlton | 9 comments | Continued
The Attacks of the Black Brain
The attacks of the black brain start with losing something. Usually it is my keys or my wallet, but it could be anything misplaced or forgotten: a passport, a phone, a book or just a place I can’t find. I feel stupid and frustrated. I will tear up my household looking for the lost items, […]
25May2010 | carlton | 0 comments | Continued
I think I am better than I am
Grandiosity is a symptom of Bipolar Disorder. When manic I get very grandiose. I think I am better than I am. I liken myself to the great Leonardo Da Vinci. He like me was a writer, artist, and architect; and some say he was bipolar also. Maybe that is why he was so slow in […]
1Apr2010 | carlton | 3 comments | Continued
The Attack of the Inanimate Objects
Inanimate objects attack me. Doors, tables, chairs, toilet seats, vacuum cleaners, keys, wallets, tools, cars, and computers – to name just a few of my enemies – have it out for me. They sneak up on me. They lurk in the shadows to obstruct my way. They refuse to cooperate. The small objects lose themselves […]
8Mar2010 | carlton | 10 comments | Continued