All Posts Tagged With: "OF TWO MINDS film"

No one gets through life without being hurt. To be human is to be hurt. All men and women have people or places that have negative associations. An offhand remark by a stranger or an acquaintance can resonate in our mind long after, years even, the unpleasant comment. A deed by a friend, a relative, […]
2Jul2014 | carlton | 1 comment | Continued
A New Review from Goodreads
Wendy‘s review Oct 14, 12 Read from September 21 to October 09, 2012 When I started reading this autobiography by artist/author, Carlton Davis, I thought it would be a gruelling read. It’s not nice reading about people with severe mental illness and self-destructive tendencies, right? Actually, Davis has such a great grip on life, the […]
15Oct2012 | carlton | 1 comment | Continued
OF TWO MINDS, The Conversation Starter
I am one of the four featured persons in the film OF TWO MINDS. I feel very honored to be in this film by Doug Blush and Lisa Klein. The honor comes from the fact that as Alice Boyce Ph.D. says in her blog review of the film on Psychology Today ( the film is […]
29Aug2012 | carlton | 3 comments | Continued
“OF TWO MINDS” premiered at the Cleveland Film Festival
Can I who am featured in the film“OF TWO MINDS” write a review of the film? I can’t write a typical review because my viewpoint is colored by my closeness with the film. My plan is not to so much to rate the film –although I believe it to be extraordinary-, but to speak of […]
24Apr2012 | carlton | 0 comments | Continued