All Posts Tagged With: "Yale New Haven Hospital"

I am a Suicide Survivor is the website project and future mobile exhibition created by Dese’Rae Stage, her self a suicide survivor. Carlton Davis edited Dese’Rae’s interview. To see the unedited story and stories and portraits of other suicide survivors see: http.// Suicide is the 10th highest cause of death in the United States. The mental illness that leads […]
12Sep2014 | carlton | 2 comments | Continued
Power to the Crazy People
INPP Conference, Manchester, UK July 16, 2010 Ninety year old Thomas Szasz, controversial psychiatrist and author of the Myth of Mental illness, was the keynote speaker at the INPP (International Network of Philosophy and Psychiatry) Conference in Manchester, UK, June 28-30, 2010. I attended and spoke at this Conference. When the conference ended I found […]
16Jul2010 | carlton | 7 comments | Continued
Suicide, The Long Term Solution to a Short Term Problem
I tried suicide once. I have thought about suicide a lot. I came close to suicide a second time. Suicide ideation has followed me for forty five years. When ever I get down the thought of doing myself in comes up. Self-murder has always seemed the optimal solution to unhappy circumstances. “Why not just do […]
16Apr2010 | carlton | 1 comment | Continued